Have you ever lost your phone?
I have. Today. On the way to Berlin. I noticed it was gone when I was on the local train to Hamm, where I was going to catch the train to Berlin.
My ticket was on my phone. My connection to all my people was on my phone! I was lost without my phone.
I MUST get it back
I must have lost it at the train station in my hometown. When I arrived in Hamm, I immediately took the train back to the nearest station where I had lost my phone.
From there I took a taxi to get there. I told the taxi driver that I had lost my phone and he asked if I wanted to call it first. I said no, I’m sure it’s at the station. There aren’t many people around at this time.
But then I thought, why not! So we called my number and a voice said, hello, this is the lost property office of the city of Kamen.
O! M! G!
I was so relieved to hear that friendly voice!
Sooo relieved! And so happy. And so was the taxi driver! We were both laughing like crazy! Happy and relieved. The two of us.
He took me to the lost property.
It was quite easy to get the phone back. A kind man had brought it there just before.
And maybe sweet, fluffy Cooper on the lock screen also convinced the friendly finder to take it straight to the lost property office.
Incredible that only two hours later than planned I arrived in Berlin.