Alle Artikel mit dem Schlagwort: 100dayChallenge

Wassup, dude


I’m taking English lessons again. To learn some new words I told a friend a few days ago. She surprised me with her question, about what my favourite word was that day. I couldn’t come up with a new one but then remembered a slang word, I hadn’t seen written before like this: wassup. And I thought it fits perfectly with this horse dude from my wine bottle.

And now 100 Days!


Blogging without a challenge is only half as exciting and – at least for me – not very successful. So my friend Karen and I started our next blogging challenge. And after making it a full month, we’ve raised the bar a little higher: 100 days of daily blogging. Now that’s something! The rules for me are the same as last time: It doesn’t matter if it’s one picture, one word, or 5000 words and […]