31 days of joy


O. M. G! I made it! Not yet! I mean. Now that I am writing these lines I haven’t posted them yet. But I know that I will. Then I’ll have made it. 31 days each day publishing a blog post. I tried this a few times but never reached this goal. And now I did.

Why now? Mostly because I had – as I posted before – for the first time an accountability partner doing the same challenge, the best you can imagine.

Then I set the stakes very low at first: just post something each day. A picture, a word, thousand words. It didn’t matter. But what I realised when it was late and I was tired or had little time, was I didn’t want to just post something without joy. So the only „rule“ was that I wanted to create with fun.

And I’m very proud of myself. About the commitment. There were times when I took my laptop with me on my way to an appointment and wrote a post on the train.

And it was fun! It felt great! It sparked new ideas. And it brought me into a routine of writing and publishing. It made me confident.

What next? I’m sure I won’t post every day in the future. But I will post from time to time.

And that’s ok. I also want to find out what I want to post about. It’s a process. My topics will find me. And they will find me only when I keep posting.

I think in a way blogging has made me more curious about where this will take me.

So let this last post of this challenge be just one post in a never-ending row of posts.

Der Autor

I'm a communications professional and collage enthusiast living in the Ruhr region in Germany.